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Palm trees sway and chiming waves crash. Caribbean beats and complex rhythms. Extract a deeper emotional response than one would expect at the arcade. Move you are no longer watching the game, you are in it. Your experience is sublimated to the stars. Des palmiers en 8 bits.
Blog sa pozastavuje na dobu neurčitu pre nedostatok času a nizkej navštevnosti. Nobody Stop Me - 2. kapitola - Len sa neunáhli Viktória. Po zoznámení s Viktóriou a jej najbližšími priateľmi, sme zistili, že stretla zaujímavého muža. Keďže si nevymenili čísla, je otázne, či sa ešte niekedy stretnú. V nasledujúcej kapitole sa zoznámime so sestrou Viky, dozvieme sa niečo o jej práci a zažijeme jedno nečakané stretnutie.
This also brightened my day! April 30th, 2015. For years Ive tried to keep a hand written diary and always given up after a few weeks. There are journals dotted around with a handful of entries in them, and even more with those entries torn out and the journals repurposed for review notes. Today I wrote the last entry in the current journal. I have filled a whole one! Anyway, its a small personal victory and I am just a little bit proud of myself this evening.
Hallo und willkommen auf der Event. Seite von den Mystic Girls! Hallo und guten Tag. Uns doch bitte, welche Partys Ihr gerne machen möchtet. Ob Swinger, Fetisch, HÜ, oder oder oder. Dazu wie lange die jeweilige Party gehen soll, was Ihr Euch so vorstellt und was und wie Ihr es gerne haben möchtet. Welche Zeiten Euch am besten passen. Kuß, Eure Mystic Girls.
On ju naučil žiť, ona ho naučila byť tým, kým v skutočnosti je. On ju naučil nebáť sa, ona ho naučila veriť ostatným. až kým nenašli jeden druhého.
A New York lawyer spends six months researching street vendors and the informal economy on a Fulbright grant in Lagos, Nigeria. Tuesday, July 28, 2009. After nearly seven months in six countries on three continents, my trip is over. I am back in New York, back in my apartment, and back at work. Thursday, July 23, 2009.